Find Rest

You’ve probably heard me talk about rest more than once and I’ll probably talk about it some more. Why? Because it’s important. Jesus taught it and He also modeled it for us. I think our society needs to rethink what rest looks like. Rest doesn’t equate to laziness. I’m hearing this conversation more and more so I think people have already started to rethink it, which is great! To me, resting doesn’t mean doing nothing. It means finding what refuels me to do the work God has called me to. It means finding refreshment in pausing from the routine of the everyday to savor God’s creation. It means finding ways to be re-energized to continue the work you’ve started. In this busy season of life, sometimes even 5 minutes of rest can bring peace to the chaos of the world around me.

And that peace – the peace God offers – will give you delight in this crazy, wonderful life you are living, in away that overflows onto all those around you.

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

*Find Rest: A Women’s Devotional For Lasting Peace In A Busy Life

Released: March 26, 2018
Publisher: iDisciple Publishing
Page Count: 250 pages

Website | FB | Twitter | IG

We got back from a much-needed family trip to find this book in our mail stack. I’m so thrilled to be sharing it. First of all, look at how beautiful it is! It puts me at peace already. As I mentioned above, topics like self-care get a pretty bad rap. In Shaunti Feldhahn’s new book, she talks about discovering rest even in the midst of the busyness of our to-do lists. It’s not about pushing aside our roles and responsibilities but incorporating it into our rhythms. “In today’s do-it-all world, women are busier and more tired than ever juggling the roles of mom, executive, volunteer, student, wife, friend, and everything in between. We’ve all been there – feeling frenzied and desperate as we try to keep it all together. Some days it feels like we’re managing everything well, but more often than not, it feels like everything is managing us. It is easy to become emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It is possible to experience a life of peace and find rest for your soul – even with life’s demands.”

Beauty in Rest

For some, finding rest might mean a literal nap because #life…#momlife…enough said. Someone mentioned recently that because she works full time and does a lot of traveling, she doesn’t cook many meals at home. She doesn’t mean they do take out or fast food every day, but their family does more prepared meals or meal delivery services. But she LOVES to cook so when she finds the time to cook she also finds rest. For another person, it might look like a day of creating, painting, building, and still others time to read, travel, or workout.

Yes, we sacrifice to do our work sometimes, but I don’t believe God has called any of us to burnout. When I’m drained from burnout, I can not serve anyone well. When I’m mentally spent, I’m no use to anyone, including myself. However, when I’m drained from a sacrifice of service, I have a renewed sense of passion for the work I’ve completed or the work to be completed.


Encouragement through the Truth

Shaunti has written 60 days of devotionals to encourage women in the journey to find rest. “Since I’m both a follower of Christ and a researcher, I’ve been studying both what the Bible says and what science says about finding true rest. I’ve found that so much of the stress and worry we face doesn’t have to be there!” Shaunti goes on to say we need to look at the truths of God’s promises to see that His mercies are new every morning. In the book, she goes through eight elements to guide us in discovering how God designed us for rest and how connecting with Him and others can help us find rest.

– Build only on Rock
– Live according to your design
– Set aside superwoman
– Connect with God
– Shift your perspective
– Create life-giving relationships
– Walk in obedience
– Have no fear


Your turn: What does rest look like for you?

Don’t forget to get your copy here or any location where books are sold! –> *

P.S. And also, this is one of the most gorgeous books I’ve have seen in more recent times. If you can see the rose gold on the pages! Get the book and you can! :p

Open to new members until June 3rd:

I have prepared a gathering place of sorts two years ago and was not brave enough to know what to do. I lost my brave along the way somehow and I want to find it again…along with so many other things.

Having heard the hearts of many mama friends, I think it is time.

I hope it will be a place of encouragement as well as learning, a place where you can find and give grace, a place of inspiration but also of accountability. I want to hear your story and help you take the next steps…or rather, let’s take some next steps together because I’m right there with ya. There are the must-dos of motherhood like laundry and meals and there are the wish-to-dos like personal retreats which I believe are so life-giving and everyone around us can benefit. And then how do we fit in things like trying new things, budgeting, taking adventures, emergency planning? Let’s figure this out together.

Please hear me out when I say this will not be “another thing for the to-do list.” If it starts to feel like that, you are free to come and go as the seasons change.

I may share Scripture and other Bible stuff here or there, but if you don’t consider yourself religious, that is okay. You are welcome to join. Or not. I’m not easily offended. But I do hope you find your own tribe of life-giving friends to love on you and lift you up.

Fill out this survey and come join us!

>>> Mom Challenge Survey <<<

A few more details about the group: There will be monthly discussion theme, quarterly challenges, accountability for your action steps, resource recommendations, freebies and giveaways for the journey ahead, been-there-done-that mamas to speak truth and encouragement, and more! Opened for a limited time each month to moms interested in making progress in their #momlife. Even if you’re not interested, take the survey and download my Personal Planning Retreat planner after you click “submit.” (It’s a work-in-progress group, so I’m still working on some of these things.)

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.

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